Name *Date Of Birth *Phone Number *Email *Address *List Hobbies *Do you have a background in working with children? *YesNoHow do you feel you can contribute to the Ladies of Leadership program? *What age groups are you interested in working with? 8-10 years (Answer scale of 1 to 10) *What age groups are you interested in working with? 11-12 years (Answer scale of 1 to 10) *What age groups are you interested in working with? 13-15 years (Answer scale of 1 to 10) *List one unique quality about yourself. *If you can make a difference in a young ladies life, what would it be and why? *In transitioning into the program, you may have to start with the younger ladies. The teens have lots of trust issues and may not be as receptive in the beginning, are you open to this? *Mentors are requested to donate $30.00 monthly (by the 15th), Will you commit to making the contribution? *PhoneSubmit